Case Studies

Nicola's Story - Transferrable Skills
Unsure of what skills you could bring to Aspire?
Nicola, our service manager for Rotherham and Sheffield, has answered a few questions on how she got started with Aspire, along with her career progression and the positive changes she has made throughout.

Julie's Day
“Today as an Aspire support worker, my 6-hour working day consisted of two visits with two very different individuals.
Tommy is a witty and humorous chap who always wants a cuppa and a bit of banter as soon as I arrive. After our usual chat, we then start with the other aspects of his support. Tommy admits he can get himself in a muddle with his bills, so me and the rest of his support team help him keep on top of things and make sure he always has gas and electric at his new flat. Once that’s all done, we put together a shopping list and have a walk down to the supermarket. He is always grateful for what we do and enjoys the company. I leave him safe at home with a fresh drink and head to my next client, with plenty of paid travel time between visits.
Lucy is a lovely young lady with hearing difficulties, who sometimes doesn’t answer her door after the first loud knock. Lucy likes to get ready to go out straight away, and will take the time beforehand to set out a plan of where we’re going and for how long. Supporting her mental health and wellbeing is very important to Lucy, so she likes to have quiet walks in scenic areas with her support workers.
Tomorrow will be another day, very different from but just as important as today.”

Jessie's Story
Jessie came to Aspire through our referral process, having spent 3 months in hospital.
Jessie has been supported to be independent in the community and is starting to get back into the things she once enjoyed. At Aspire we support and spend quality time with our clients, engaging with them a relaxed way and encouraging them to nurture their hobbies and interests.
Since the beginning of Jessie’s time with Aspire, she has kindled a love for swimming and has been able to restart her passion for horse care. Jessie has signed up for a volunteer position at a Riding for The Disabled, where she can both enjoy her time spent caring for animals and meet new friends along the way. Jessie is continuing to set herself new goals, and reaches new milestones every visit.